Monday, May 30, 2011

Akamar at 2011 graduations

Photo by: Yomai Family

Chon Akamar mei sochungio non ei ier 2011: Harvest Yomai, Harmony Yomai, Mairanda Rudolph, Me Akapito Mori... Akamar family, as we all know, cherishes and is always appreciative and proud of the educational achievements of our family members from elementary to high school to college and beyond. This year, we also express our hope and best wishes to Akapito Mori for keeping his dream (and ours) alive and graduating from a higher level of educational and technical training.

As Akamar, along with the rest of Micronesa, continues to face challenges and newer demands in the world of education, the job market, professional fields, we must be reminded once more of our family motto of "puuni puun mannap, tooni toon aaw" -- soar as high upward like the big bird, live deeply grounded  like the big tree (banyan tree).

To the grads, take up the torch, light the way brighter, show the younger generation (as in those pictured with the grads in the photo above) that we must strive and strive some more to better ourselves and our world. This is our mandate from the very beginning of Akamar, one exemplified in the marks of the first generation, that all of us are called to live by and fulfill as family members and believers in the bigger context of Christ's commissioning of his disciples and those who believe in Him. In a very special way, this commission was kept in place for Akamar when Felix and Rosita Muritok took up their missionizing station on Fefen. In this mission are undeserved endowments that come along with the dedications and humble sincere achievements down the years of Akamar's journey until this very year of new bright crops in whom our hopes are althemore nurtured.

So, where ever you go, where ever you shall live, be an Akamar from skin to bone! Pursue your dreams in the right manner of dedication, sacrifice, courage, self-control, patience, understanding, willingness, generosity, endurance, and fun. Whatever you do, make sure it makes you happy. For your state of mind and heart will set the overall temperament for our one and only Akamar.   

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