Friday, July 15, 2011

Akamar 2012 Reunion: Can We?

photo by a Saramen Chuuk Academy student after retreat on Fefen SY09-10
As Akamar Family grows bigger, it seems to also get more difficult to gather in one place. At this point, there seems to be more family members living outside of Chuuk than there are living in Chuuk. For some of us, this reality comes as a difficult truth to live with. For others, this is believed to be momentary. Still others, it is an unavoidable demand that our smaller family units must obey for very critical reasons: medical, school, employment, etc.

In all these, one common interest remains. That is, there must be a time when we "all" can come together in a location to celebrate our oneness, our uniqueness, our togetherness, our ties, our moments, and of course our friendships and cherish the fact of our being Akamar.

Given the many circumstances and various obligations, it is recognized that for all -- that is every Akamar members -- to come together in one place at the same time, very careful long term planning and coordination must take place in advance. This will not be a easy convenient task to achieve, but we will never know what is truly possible without trying.

For this reason, some of us put forward as a proposal or suggestion to the rest that we target to have the second Akamar Reunion by December 2012.

If there is a better time frame to work around, we must remain open to a time practical and ideal to most members.

Can we further discus the search for time? Other related ideas will be addressed after this first layer of concern is more or less clear.

(note: not all Akamar on Internet can read Chuukese. challenge: all Akamar on Internet should strive to be able to read and understand Chuukese .... just a challenge not a requirement)

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Yomai Twins going abroad

Today marks the turning of a new page for the Yomai Family in particular and Akamar in general. This day was in the making the past four years and only became a concrete experience as a result of days, weeks, months, and years of dedicated work by Mi and Chii. Their voyage is a good one; one that is acutely felt because it is a plural notice, a two-some movement.

Indeed, their journey should serve as an example of our togetherness. The fact that they now "move together" and "go together" to attend college together is a strong and beautiful sisterly force to face the new world -- a world unavoidable.

Their journey is a continuation of our journey together. Their journey is our journey. Unique in its own, yet very universal and familiar in purpose. One of a kind for the individuals living it, yet it is almost as if you and I can tell what they will face and what will happen day in and day out.

The thing is, we know that their experience will add to our history of "finding our calling" and defining our lives through education and daily living. We know their trip is for the purpose of pursuing college education and higher learning. But, live is more than that. The moment their flight took off from Chuuk to the minute it should land in Hawaii, their trip is indeed about "living their lives" as sisters, as Yomais, as Akamars, and ofcourse, as twinly-individuals.

So as we readjust to the "void" in Chuuk created by Mi's and Chii's departure, we should remember that this is another "turning point" another new level that would only serve to enrich and strengthen  Chii and Mii and everyone else they hold dear in their lives. We pray that they find peace and courage  at their new location and that they always feel God's guidance in their situations and experience. We pray that THEY BE HAPPY so we can share in their joy as well.

Take care/ Achocho.