Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A baby boy, A Secretary, and Me = Guam

In case you have not heard or read about it, Beatrice and Weller have been blessed with another baby boy.

Also, Mama Vita took her Oath of Office on Monday, October 17, at the FSM Consulate Office, Guam to continue as Secretary of the Department of Health and Social Affairs.

And, I am currently writing out of Guam, where I will be located until this coming Friday, doing media coverage for President Mori's series of meetings here in Guam.
Uncle Bob is also here, as you can see in the picture, attending the meetings and taking care of other family and official matters.

Mama Vita just came back from the Filippines, where she attended a high level meeting for health officials. She stopped by in Guam specifically to help Beatrice and at the same time assist the President at some of his meetings (feeding two birds with one seed).

The past two days have been pretty much eventful for all of us. Mama Vita had to be pulled out from the Guam Memorial Hospital the minute after Beatrice's baby was born to prepare for her swear in ceremony.

For more updates on activities for the next two days, check out fsminfo@blogspot.com


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Uttut Ren President's Cabinet Members

On Tuesday, Oct.4, FSM Congress voted on President's nominations for cabinet members. Mama Vita me Uncle Maketo were not confirmed. I felt so bad (angry!) as I sat through the rest of the proceeding...

Driving home from work in the evening, I told Fida (my achimaki), "today the Bible is proven wrong". She asked, "what you mean?".

Well, it says, "ask and you shall recieve".... i'm sure people ask for Mama Vita to be confirmed, but how come she wasn't confirmed today?????

My Fida said, "remember that not everything you ask for is good for you. God gives what is better than what you ask for. You just have to be patient and open".

I told my wife, "today maybe one of the rarest moment when (you) will be smarter than (me)."

Sometimes, God speaks to us through the person(s) sitting right there in the same spot. We have to be willing and open to hear (HIM)!