photo by a Saramen Chuuk Academy student after retreat on Fefen SY09-10 |
In all these, one common interest remains. That is, there must be a time when we "all" can come together in a location to celebrate our oneness, our uniqueness, our togetherness, our ties, our moments, and of course our friendships and cherish the fact of our being Akamar.
Given the many circumstances and various obligations, it is recognized that for all -- that is every Akamar members -- to come together in one place at the same time, very careful long term planning and coordination must take place in advance. This will not be a easy convenient task to achieve, but we will never know what is truly possible without trying.
For this reason, some of us put forward as a proposal or suggestion to the rest that we target to have the second Akamar Reunion by December 2012.
If there is a better time frame to work around, we must remain open to a time practical and ideal to most members.
Can we further discus the search for time? Other related ideas will be addressed after this first layer of concern is more or less clear.
(note: not all Akamar on Internet can read Chuukese. challenge: all Akamar on Internet should strive to be able to read and understand Chuukese .... just a challenge not a requirement)